New industrial recorder optimization

A new industrial recorder has never been played when you purchase it. As soon as it is blown into warm moist air makes the wood react. This can alter some of the original dimensions of the voicing resulting in an alteration of the tone quality, slower speech and deteriorated high notes.  Clogging can also occur. The original beautiful sound is no longer there.


We have all met this recorder problem which can seem insoluble, but there is a solution.


This is what I can do for you :


I can play your instrument regularly for fairly long periods, detect its possible imperfections and make adjustements to correct them without upsetting the sound colour (which you liked originally) while paying particular attention to the tuning, homogeneity and stability.


After this precision treatment you will get the best out of your instrument.


As an amateur player you will avoid some of the problems that come with new instruments which have to be played in. Your recorder will bring you immediately enjoyment.


As a student you will have a spare recorder and thus avoid the continual use of your concert instrument.


As a teacher you will have a good instrument for your lessons without having had to spend time breaking it in. The instrument will be ready for immediate use.





Each optimised recorder carries a one year guarantee, which will replace the one given by the manufacturer.



Soprano (descant) or alto (treble) 300 €

Tenor 330 €


Bass 360 €



À 10 minutes de la gare et du centre ville de Strasbourg,

l'atelier est installé au :

10 minutes away from Strasbourg Central station,

my workshop is at :


2b rue de Dachstein 



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